
Ask a Tech forum

We have a passion for fixing your favorite gadgets. We’re pretty good at it too.

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Questions. Answers.

WefixTech Answers your questions on this forum and this information can be used to help more people with a similar issue.  This is a Q&A and anybody with the solution can also be able to give their input.

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We are a community of people helping each other fix phones, laptops, tablets and gaming consoles. Ask any question you want with your device and we will reply to you in minutes. You will also find a friendly, helpful Tech advise of people who care about Tech devices and want to make them last longer.

What's the catch?

Answers are totally free, and will always be that way. Our goal is to help you keep your phone, tablet, laptop and gaming console working longer. Period.

We know stuff.

We would love to help you with your Phone, laptop, Tablet, Gaming console and data recovery questions. You can ask anything you like, as long as it’s related to making devices last longer. When crafting your question, we suggest making it as detailed and specific as possible.

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