
Going Green

E-waste is the Toxic Legacy of our Digital Age. Our waste electronics are polluting drinking water and harming ecosystems around the world. It’s time to fix the problem.

Let's introduce ourselves

Going Green

Green is nature.

At the very heart of what we do –repairing phones, Tablets, laptops and other electronic gadgets– we are helping to keep trash bins clean. The more we continue throwing Tech devices to our trash, which is not decomposable = the more toxins find their way to the environment. The increasing volumes of E-waste have not been matched with measures to ensure safe and sustainable E-waste management

Help Stop E-waste

When you bring in your broken gadget to WefixTech for repair instead of instantly discarding it, you are already doing your part. You can repair the device and gift a family member or a friend. Sometimes we like to upgrade and buy new devices, what do you do with the old non-functional one?The Phones, tablets and laptops that can be of help to the less fortunate especially slum dwellers, students and those in the rural areas so that they are not left behind in this age of ICT development.

If you’d like to help

At WefixTech, we accept phones, tablets and laptops donations no matter what condition the device is in. Whether your gadget has a cracked screen, or a phone that won’t charge, or even water damage, WefixTech will gladly accept these items.

WefixTech has a team of highly skilled repair technicians that focus on phone repair, laptop Repair, Tablet repair, gaming console repair, and small electronic repair, so we can resurrect  anything that comes our way! Contact us if you have a device to be recycled. Recycle our Ewaste


  • Kenya, – the estimated volume of generated E-waste was 11,000mt per year (UNEP 2010).
  • E-waste is growing at 3 times the rate of municipal waste worldwide- Global E-waste Monitor, 2017
  • Neary each household has 2-3 devices functional devices (either a phone, laptop or tablet)
  • Most of these households have the devices broken or not being used, waiting to be trashed.
  • 569 Million Mobile subscriptions in the country as at June 2018. Represents 97.8% penetration (CAK report)

Nb. (To be well represented) with images etc

Together We can Stop E-waste.

Donate a device

Repair my Device

Get all your device issues fixed by professional technicians in no time.