
5 Advantages of Getting your Phone or Laptop Repaired

Sometimes you are faced with the challenge of having to make the hard choice between getting your phone or laptop fixed or buying a new one and embarking on a whole new journey with a new device. It might seem like an easy decision but truth be told, it is never as easy as it seems. Since we are human, we get attached to our old habits and possessions, this includes phones and laptops. Getting a new device also costs a fortune and it is something that we need to think hard through especially with the hard economic times that we are in. Here are the 5 pros of getting your devices fixed as opposed to buying a new one:

Repairs save on money

Repairs are usually inexpensive compared to getting a new device. Usually, when a phone and laptop need repair, it is usually a small section of it that has been damaged. In most cases, the problem is with the screen and/or battery. If you have a broken screen, you can always do a screen replacement at a repair center near you. It will cost you way less compared to getting a new phone because it only costs a fraction of the entire cost of the phone. When the battery is the issue, you can always buy a new battery or do a battery replacement at a repair center.

Repairs save time

You will save a lot of time repairing rather than getting a new phone or laptop. Usually, it takes a maximum of 1 hour to get your screen or battery replaced. You can always request device pick up and delivery to further save on time. On the other end, buying a new phone requires a lot of research, comparing prices and stores and also requires your physical presence which might not be possible all the time.

Environmental Conservation

In Kenya, the estimated volume of generated E-waste was 11,000mt per year (UNEP 2010). This has since increased over time as the number of Kenyans using smartphones has also increased through the years. On average a household has at least one smartphone. Based on this, it is our personal responsibility to ensure that we do not increase the amount of e-waste generated as this type of waste has a lot of health risks to humans as well as animals. This is something that we can all consider before purchasing new phones when we have the option of repairing the ones that we have. Some repair centers like WeFix Tech accept device donations. We repair the devices then gift the less fortunate in society.

Getting the Maximum Value from your Phone

When you bought your phone or laptop, you were hoping that you would get the maximum benefit from your usage. Discarding the device away due to minor damage after a few months of use is not always the best way of getting this value. Phones and laptops cost a lot and it only makes sense to have value for your money. Ksh 50,000 is not money that you can just throw around and let the device go within a couple of months when you can as well fix it and get the maximum value out of your cash unless you are out here looking to make losses.

Utilize your Warranty

Most, if not all phones and laptops usually have a warranty on purchase. This can go for up to more than 12 months. You can always utilize this warranty and get your device free of charge. On this one, you need to be keen on what is covered in the warranty as some warranties have limitations on the kind of damage your device has.

Nevertheless, you need to consider whether your current phone can be used or it is better if you get a new phone. Some phones are very old and irreparable. However, if you still have a pretty new and functional phone, it is always the best bet to have it fixed rather than getting a new one.

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